Thursday, April 19, 2007


Hare Rama

गिरा अरथ जल बीचि सम कहिअत भिन्न भिन्न
बंदउँ सीता राम पद जिन्हहि परम प्रिय खिन्न

सुनहु तात यह अकथ कहानी 

समुझत बनइ जाइ बखानी

ईस्वर अंस जीव अबिनासी 

चेतन अमल सहज सुख रासी
सो मायाबस भयउ गोसाईं 

बँध्यो कीर मरकट की नाई
जड़ चेतनहि ग्रंथि परि गई 

जदपि मृषा छूटत कठिनई
तब ते जीव भयउ संसारी 

छूट ग्रंथि होइ सुखारी
श्रुति पुरान बहु कहेउ उपाई 

छूट अधिक अधिक अरुझाई
जीव हृदयँ तम मोह बिसेषी 

ग्रंथि छूट किमि परइ देखी
अस संजोग ईस जब करई 

तबहुँ कदाचित सो निरुअरई
सात्त्विक श्रद्धा धेनु सुहाई 

जौं हरि कृपाँ हृदयँ बस आई

जप तप ब्रत जम नियम अपारा 

जे श्रुति कह सुभ धर्म अचारा
तेइ तृन हरित चरै जब गाई 

भाव बच्छ सिसु पाइ पेन्हाई
नोइ निबृत्ति पात्र बिस्वासा 

निर्मल मन अहीर निज दासा
परम धर्ममय पय दुहि भाई 

अवटै अनल अकाम बिहाई
तोष मरुत तब छमाँ जुड़ावै 

धृति सम जावनु देइ जमावै
मुदिताँ मथैं बिचार मथानी 

दम अधार रजु सत्य सुबानी
तब मथि काढ़ि लेइ नवनीता 

बिमल बिराग सुभग सुपुनीता
जोग अगिनि करि प्रगट 
तब कर्म सुभासुभ लाइ

बुद्धि सिरावैं ग्यान घृत ममता मल जरि जाइ

तब बिग्यानरूपिनि बुद्धि बिसद घृत पाइ

चित्त दिआ भरि धरै दृढ़ समता दिअटि बनाइ

तीनि अवस्था तीनि गुन तेहि कपास तें काढ़ि

तूल तुरीय सँवारि पुनि बाती करै सुगाढ़ि

एहि बिधि लेसै दीप तेज रासि बिग्यानमय

जातहिं जासु समीप जरहिं मदादिक सलभ सब

सोहमस्मि इति बृत्ति अखंडा 

दीप सिखा सोइ परम प्रचंडा

आतम अनुभव सुख सुप्रकासा 

तब भव मूल भेद भ्रम नासा

प्रबल अबिद्या कर परिवारा 

मोह आदि तम मिटइ अपारा

तब सोइ बुद्धि पाइ उँजिआरा 

उर गृहँ बैठि ग्रंथि निरुआरा

छोरन ग्रंथि पाव जौं सोई 

तब यह जीव कृतारथ होई

छोरत ग्रंथि जानि खगराया 

बिघ्न अनेक करइ तब माया

रिद्धि सिद्धि प्रेरइ बहु भाई 

बुद्धहि लोभ दिखावहिं आई

कल बल छल करि जाहिं समीपा 

अंचल बात बुझावहिं दीपा

होइ बुद्धि जौं परम सयानी तिन्ह 

तन चितव अनहित जानी

जौं तेहि बिघ्न बुद्धि नहिं बाधी 

तौ बहोरि सुर करहिं उपाधी

इंद्रीं द्वार झरोखा नाना तहँ 

तहँ सुर बैठे करि थाना

आवत देखहिं बिषय बयारी 

ते हठि देही कपाट उघारी

जब सो प्रभंजन उर गृहँ जाई

 तबहिं दीप बिग्यान बुझाई

ग्रंथि छूटि मिटा सो प्रकासा

 बुद्धि बिकल भइ बिषय बतासा

इंद्रिन्ह सुरन्ह ग्यान सोहाई 

बिषय भोग पर प्रीति सदाई

बिषय समीर बुद्धि कृत भोरी 

तेहि बिधि दीप को बार बहोरी

तब फिरि जीव बिबिध बिधि पावइ संसृति क्लेस
हरि माया अति दुस्तर तरि जाइ बिहगेस
कहत कठिन समुझत कठिन साधन कठिन बिबेक
होइ घुनाच्छर न्याय जौं पुनि प्रत्यूह अनेक

ग्यान पंथ कृपान कै धारा

 परत खगेस होइ नहिं बारा

जो निर्बिघ्न पंथ निर्बहई

 सो कैवल्य परम पद लहई

अति दुर्लभ कैवल्य परम पद 

संत पुरान निगम आगम बद

राम भजत सोइ मुकुति गोसाई

 अनइच्छित आवइ बरिआई

जिमि थल बिनु जल रहि सकाई

 कोटि भाँति कोउ करै उपाई

तथा मोच्छ सुख सुनु खगराई 

रहि सकइ हरि भगति बिहाई

अस बिचारि हरि भगत सयाने 

मुक्ति निरादर भगति लुभाने

भगति करत बिनु जतन प्रयासा 

संसृति मूल अबिद्या नासा

भोजन करिअ तृपिति हित लागी

जिमि सो असन पचवै जठरागी

असि हरिभगति सुगम सुखदाई 

को अस मूढ़ जाहि सोहाई

सेवक सेब्य भाव बिनु भव तरिअ उरगारि
भजहु राम पद पंकज अस सिद्धांत बिचारि
जो चेतन कहँ ज़ड़ करइ ज़ड़हि करइ चैतन्य
अस समर्थ रघुनायकहिं भजहिं जीव ते धन्य

बंदउँ नाम राम रघुवर को हेतु कृसानु भानु हिमकर को
बिधि हरि हरमय बेद प्रान सो अगुन अनूपम गुन निधान सो

Listen, Dear Garuda, to this unattainable romance, which can only be comprehended by the mind but is incapable of expression,

The soul is a particle of the divinity, immortal, conscious, untainted by Maya, and blissful by nature,

Such a soul, My lord has allowed itself to be dominated by Maya and has been caught in its own trap like  a parrot or monkey,

Matter and spirit have been linked together with a knot which, though imaginary, is difficult to untie,

Since then the soul has become worldly,

It can have no happiness till this knot is untied,

The Vedas and Puranas have suggested a number of devices for untying the knot, far from being resolved, become harder and harder,

The interior of the soul being utterly clouded with the darkness of the ignorance, the knot cannot even be perceived, how then it can be untied,

If God were to bring about such conditions as depicted below, even then the disentanglement of the knots is problematic,

Suppose by the grace of Sri Hari the blessed cow in the shape of Sattvic genuine piety comes to abide in one's heart and feed on green herbage in the shape of Japa that muttering the name or prayer, austere penance, sacred observances, The Yamas or forms of self-restraint, continence, veracity, non-violence, nonstealing and non-possession, the five Niyama or Positive virtues,  
External and internal purity,
Self-surrender to God,
Innumerable other blessed virtues
Righteous practices recommended by the Vedas

Milk begins to flow from the teats, let us hope when she is united with her newly born calf in the form of love,

Quietism serves as the cord by which her hind legs are tied in order to milk her,

Faith represents the pot in which the cow milked, while a pure mind, which is at one's back and call, plays the role of milker,

Having thus drawn the milk in the shape of supreme religiousness one should boil it on the fire of desirelessness,

When boiled, it should be cooled down with the breath of contentment and forbearance and congealed by mixing with it a little curd in the shape of fortitude and mind control,

The curd thus made should be churned in the earthen vase of cheerfulness with the churning stick of reflection after fastening the stick to the host of self-restraint with the cord of truthful and agreeable words and by this process of churning one should extract the pure, excellent and holy butter of dispassion.

After kindling the fire of Yoga that concentration of mind, one's Karma, both good and evil, should be consigned to it as fuel, and the butter placed on it,

When the scum in the form of worldly attachment is burnt, the ghee that clarified butter which is left in the form of GNOSIS should be cooled down by Buddhi that reason, which is of the nature of understanding, should fill with it the lamp of the Citta-reasoning faculty, and making a stand of even-mindedness set the lamp securely there,

Extracting cotton in the form of a transcendental state out of the boll of the three states of the consciousness, that_
Dreamless sleep
The three types of prakrti That_
The same should be carded and fashioned into the strong wick,

In this manner, one should light the glorious lamp of immediate knowledge, by merely approaching which moths in the shape of vanity, etc., are all consumed,

The constant awareness that,
It represents the most dazzling flame of the lamp,

In this way when the bliss of self-realization sheds its bright luster,
The error of duality 
The root of worldly existence,
The infinite darkness of infatuation ect
Which forms the family of Avidhya 
That nescience
Having thus procured a light,
The Buddhi referred to above sits in the chamber of the heart to untie the ligature that binds the spirit with matter 

The soul can hope to attain its object only in the even of Buddhi succeeding in untying it,

But when Maya finds her attempting to untie the knots,
She creates many difficulties,
She sends forth a number of Riddhis and Siddhis 
 Riches and supernatural powers in their embodied forms
That try to put excite her cupidity,
By artifice, force, or fraud they approach her
Put off the light by fanning it with the end of their garments,
If the Buddhi happens to be most sagacious,
She refuses even to look at them to be her enemies
If these impediments fail to distract her,
The gods next proceed to create trouble,

The various apertured of the body that locates the five senses are so many windows in the chamber of heart, each of which is presided over by a god,

Even as they find the gust of sensuality entering the chamber the gods wantonly throw the shutters of these apertures wide open,

As soon as the blast penetrates the chamber of the heart the light of immediate knowledge gets extinguished,

In this way, while the ligature binding the spirit with matter remains untied,

The light of self-realization also disappears
The understanding gets bewildered when buffeted by the blast of sensuality,
GNOSIS is welcome neither to the senses nor to the gods presiding over them

Who are ever fond of sensuous enjoyments
The Buddhi too having been distracted by the blast of sensuality,
Who can light the lamp again as before

When the light of wisdom is thus extinguished
The soul then goes again through the manifold agonies of transmigration,

Sri Hari's deluding potency is most difficult to cross,
It cannot easily be crossed over.
Gnosis is difficult to expound,
Difficult to grasp,
Difficult to achieve through practice,
and if by chance one succeeds in attaining it.
There are many impediments in the way of preserving it,

The path of wisdom is like the edge of a sword,
One is opt to fall from it very soon,
He alone who successfully treads it attains to the supreme state of final emancipation,

But this supreme state of final beatitude is most difficult to attain,
So declare the saints as well as the Puranas, Vedas, Agamas,


Water cannot stay notwithstanding our best effort,
Even so,
Mark it,


Realizing this, the wise devotees of Sri Hari spurn final emancipation and remain enamored of devotion,

By practicing devotion ignorance, which is the root of metempsychosis, is eradicated without any effort or exertion,

In the same way, as we eat for our own gratification but the gastric fire digest the food is so eaten without ant effort ou our part,

What fool is there who does not welcome such devotion to Sri Hari, which is so easy and delightful at the same time

The ocean of transmigration cannot be crossed without cultivating the same feeling of Sri Rama as a servant cherishes towards his master,

Knowing this to be the established doctrine, adore the lotus feet of Sri Rama,

The Lord of Raghus can make the animate inanimate and inanimate animate,

The souls that adore such an omnipotent lord are blessed indeed,